Maintenance & Modification Logs
Date | Type | Mileage | Title / Description | $ Amount | 03/10/05 | Repair | 168683 | Replaced 3rd member Replaced 3rd member with a swap from a 1986 E150. Changed the u-joint (#GMB 210-1203) to the same one that is in the double cardan joint. New rear axle gasket (felpro #RDS55074) | 96.00 | 02/22/05 | Repair | 168683 | Replaced rear U-Joint and Wheel bearing Replaced the rear U-Joints with #GMB 215-1204 and double Cardan U-Joint (two) #GMB 215-1203 from schucks. Rear breaks were inspected and cleaned. Passanger side rear wheel seal #18881 and wheel bearing #BR20 were replaced. | 85.45 | 11/20/04 | Repair | 167575 | Replaced radiator Replaced radiator, Dans automotive did the install. | 452.00 | Total | 633.45 |