292 hits | 76.91 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

Console before the project
315 hits | 82.42 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

Consoles Removal
401 hits | 71.51 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

Making templates for console

267 hits | 83.2 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

Drawing Pieces out to cut
306 hits | 65.85 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

Fitting the pieces. the pieces were perfected or at least fixed on a bench grinder.
287 hits | 74.98 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

another piece cut and fit.
282 hits | 66.17 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

Closing the box up.
477 hits | 75.08 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

box screwed on and poste cut out for shifter and tq converter button
270 hits | 77.01 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

Another perspective, because its just that sexy...
280 hits | 68.96 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

Welding the box together
264 hits | 71.78 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

268 hits | 54.16 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

smooth...like a baby's bottom...
253 hits | 71.23 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

hole cut into console for wires/clearence.
267 hits | 71.7 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

Using bondo to finish the console
255 hits | 72.56 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

more bondo work
320 hits | 74.49 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

Junky wiring for the TCM
279 hits | 89.6 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

wires tapped to actuate solenoids. they follow a truth table through the gears, so minimal wires ne...
console done.jpg
240 hits | 44.98 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

console done

console top.jpg
297 hits | 41.18 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

top of console

side of console done.jpg
308 hits | 48.04 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

side of console done

ford radio harness disconnect.jpg
275 hits | 53.35 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

ford radio harness for disconnecting the console

wiring to solenoids done.jpg
299 hits | 40.06 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

wiring the goes to solenoids
prep wiring.jpg
309 hits | 52.33 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

prep wiring, testing the setup before final install

wiring to solenoids done.jpg
299 hits | 40.06 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

wiring the goes to solenoids
wiring leaving shifter.jpg
320 hits | 52.82 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

wiring that leaves the shifter. A logic table was used to actuate all the gears.
shifter and seithc goin in.jpg
386 hits | 43.7 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

shifter and torque converter lockup going in
finished console.jpg
431 hits | 50.32 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

finished console with everything in. sooo sexy
done tiwh top open and functional.jpg
427 hits | 44.82 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

this pic shows everything installed and the top of the console open, and everything is still easily ...
finished, with drivers arm at comfortable rest.jpg
337 hits | 52.56 KB | Posted: 7/22/09

This shows teh drivers arm at rest, easily positioned to shift the gears

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