IMAGE_00027.jpg998 hits | 51.22 KB | Posted: 6/22/07D44 in and receiving brakes. Note the relocated lower shock mounts
IMAGE_00028.jpg1132 hits | 44.6 KB | Posted: 6/22/07Disc brakes! That's the D35 sitting there on the floor.
IMAGE_00029.jpg918 hits | 56.51 KB | Posted: 6/22/07Shot of the driver's side rear disc showing the handbrake.
IMAGE_00030.jpg958 hits | 51.39 KB | Posted: 6/22/07Mmmm... ECTED.
IMAGE_00031.jpg933 hits | 37.87 KB | Posted: 6/22/07This is supposed to be the front D30 showing the line for the ECTED coming out, but my phone's camer...