DSCN4785.JPG 515 hits | 92.19 KB | Posted: 9/3/06 Brackets mounted on truck. They kind of look like big steel mandibles. I got a lot of strange loo...
DSCN4789.JPG 506 hits | 100.97 KB | Posted: 9/3/06 More mocking up
DSCN5114.JPG 568 hits | 96.63 KB | Posted: 9/3/06 A ton of cutting, welding and gringing later, here it is.
DSCN5159.JPG 616 hits | 72.83 KB | Posted: 9/3/06 Side view. Goes straight up from the frame rails, so a nice aproach angle is maintained.
DSCN5147.JPG 1316 hits | 72.16 KB | Posted: 9/3/06 After 1 wheeling trip like that I deceded that my radiator was kind of vulnerable in there, so I wel...
DSCN5229.JPG 1386 hits | 68.47 KB | Posted: 9/3/06 After the crossbar I thought it would be a good idea to add a towing receiver, and then a skid plate...