IMG00058-20120129-1605.jpg262 hits | 44.22 KB | Posted: 2/3/12I can't believe that I have broken tail lights laying around under the seats. ;)
IMG00059-20120129-1639.jpg274 hits | 30.88 KB | Posted: 2/3/12Jack "Helping".
IMG00064-20120129-1747.jpg282 hits | 38.58 KB | Posted: 2/3/12Don't be jealous of my plush full suspension metal milk crate seat. I don't think that MasterCraft ...
IMG00078-20120211-1400.jpg240 hits | 55.32 KB | Posted: 2/13/12
IMG00076-20120211-1155.jpg213 hits | 73.22 KB | Posted: 2/13/12
New radio mounts.jpg212 hits | 32.9 KB | Posted: 7/13/12
Painting cage.jpg213 hits | 66.35 KB | Posted: 7/13/12
Interior is back in, mostly.jpg205 hits | 36.66 KB | Posted: 7/25/12
Jack on his new jungle gym.jpg207 hits | 73.85 KB | Posted: 7/25/12
New back seats.jpg196 hits | 55.84 KB | Posted: 7/25/12
New front seats and harnesses.jpg211 hits | 41.33 KB | Posted: 7/25/12