BJS > 1995 Ford C-350 (Centurion Conversions)
1995 Ford C-350 (Centurion Conversions)
633 hits | 87.49 KB | Posted: 1/5/08
Pile o' parts
588 hits | 59.58 KB | Posted: 1/5/08
Transmission in a box
591 hits | 74.23 KB | Posted: 1/5/08
Empty transmission Case
648 hits | 89.16 KB | Posted: 1/5/08
Ok now that I have the puzzle apart what next.
620 hits | 84.1 KB | Posted: 12/26/05
red, blue & yellow correspond to ports on the transmission housing in the previous 2 picutures.
663 hits | 67.47 KB | Posted: 12/26/05
Red arrow connects with the red arrow in previous picture, blue arrow connects with blue arrow in previous picture. Yellow arrow blows presssure into transmission internals.
647 hits | 71.94 KB | Posted: 12/26/05
Red & blue arrows connect with respectively colored ports in the following picture.
Red is for the lockup solenoid activation circuit.
586 hits | 70.34 KB | Posted: 12/26/05
569 hits | 81.57 KB | Posted: 12/26/05
painted roof2.jpg
734 hits | 15.93 KB | Posted: 4/15/05
The roof with the final coat of paint sprayed. Now all that is left is to blend the edges where the new paint meets the old.
taping off .jpg
690 hits | 40.17 KB | Posted: 4/15/05
The beginning of the taping process to cover the rest of the truck that I don't want to paint.
687 hits | 17.19 KB | Posted: 3/15/05
This is the problem. The bondo Centurion put on to cover the roof seam has begun to crack allowing water to get in.
686 hits | 43.03 KB | Posted: 12/20/05
Location of PCM plug on firewall below power brake booster.
all covered.jpg
665 hits | 31.67 KB | Posted: 4/15/05
The truck covered w/ paper near the paint surfaces and further away with some thin plastic.
663 hits | 67.47 KB | Posted: 12/26/05
Red arrow connects with the red arrow in previous picture, blue arrow connects with blue arrow in previous picture. Yellow arrow blows presssure into transmission internals.
paint store presents.jpg
659 hits | 28.6 KB | Posted: 4/15/05
The results from the trip to the paint store, From Left to Right, Hardner, Color paint, Primer, Reducer, Acid Etching Primer, and Thinner.
primer coat.jpg
650 hits | 14.08 KB | Posted: 4/15/05
The primer sprayed and ready to be sanded before spraying the color.
648 hits | 89.16 KB | Posted: 1/5/08
Ok now that I have the puzzle apart what next.
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