stockcobra_copy1.jpg408 hits | 42.27 KB | Posted: 12/20/05Stock cobra head on downpipe
cut_cobra2.jpg409 hits | 44.14 KB | Posted: 12/20/05Where to cut cobra head
undercab_copy3.jpg441 hits | 37.28 KB | Posted: 12/20/05View from under cab w/ stock exhaust.
openpassage_copy4.jpg341 hits | 36.45 KB | Posted: 12/20/05Open passage w/ downpipe removed. Make note of pinchweld that may need to be bent back
comparision5.jpg380 hits | 38.18 KB | Posted: 12/20/05Comparison of stock & DPP downpipe
dpp_pic1a.jpg410 hits | 16.47 KB | Posted: 12/20/05The comparision pic from DPP
downpipe_pieces2a.jpg345 hits | 49.71 KB | Posted: 12/20/05The remnants of the garbage Downpipe installed by Ford.
elbow_new_pipe3a.jpg416 hits | 42.86 KB | Posted: 12/20/05The new elbow from the EBPV.