web IM001453.jpg 284 hits | 27.27 KB | Posted: 11/8/05 Me heading out to go play.
web IM001457.jpg 297 hits | 29.38 KB | Posted: 11/8/05 Dinking around camp on the Put-put, trying to get it warmed up and to make sure everything worked pr...
web IM001458.jpg 271 hits | 40.92 KB | Posted: 11/8/05 Mike warming up the Raptor for the mornings ride.
web IM001459.jpg 305 hits | 29.2 KB | Posted: 11/8/05 Mike running around on the raptor around camp.
web IM001472.jpg 298 hits | 60.16 KB | Posted: 11/8/05 The spot where Rob's Exploder tried to dig to china after we moved camp. Note the smooth spot in bet...
web IM001473.jpg 294 hits | 46.92 KB | Posted: 11/8/05 Me assesing the damage on my now broken bronco. The inner snap-ring was the only thing holding the w...
web IM001474.jpg 281 hits | 32.11 KB | Posted: 11/8/05 The bronc getting loaded up for it's long and expensive trip home.