1989 Mazda RX-7
Owner: Froggmann Club Owner        (All of this user's registries on SuperMotors)
From: The plainness of Costa Mesa, CA, U.S.A.        (Other registries in CA)
Year, Make, & Model: 1989 Mazda RX-7        (Other Mazda RX-7s)
Clubs: Rx-7 Club        (Other vehicles in this club)
Nickname: The rex
Mileage: 225
Engine: Stock 13B N/A
Drivetrain: Stock Junk,.
Notes: Given to me by it's original owner as a "rescue". She came to me with 217,000 miles on her and a badly smoking engine. Replaced the motor along with some other worn out pieces and now she's a firey red head that is hard to beat.
Last Updated: 10/3/2005
Hits: 4600
Folder Hits Comments Created Updated
folder Random4003,96203/27/0510/3/05
folder Cool Rex vids00192703/27/053/27/05
Newest Media Files
912 hits | 13.48 KB | Posted: 10/3/05

927 hits | 336.11 KB | Posted: 3/27/05

215 MPH Beware that crosswind!
981 hits | 63.12 KB | Posted: 3/27/05

FTP to Daytime driving lights. Now the soccer mom in the excretion can see me when she tries to run me over.
1041 hits | 62.21 KB | Posted: 3/27/05

1028 hits | 81.01 KB | Posted: 3/27/05

Most Viewed Files
1041 hits | 62.21 KB | Posted: 3/27/05

1028 hits | 81.01 KB | Posted: 3/27/05

981 hits | 63.12 KB | Posted: 3/27/05

FTP to Daytime driving lights. Now the soccer mom in the excretion can see me when she tries to run me over.
927 hits | 336.11 KB | Posted: 3/27/05

215 MPH Beware that crosswind!
912 hits | 13.48 KB | Posted: 10/3/05

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