Tire&Rim1_500.JPG696 hits | 28.99 KB | Posted: 4/7/0540x17x16.5 Ground Hawgs on 16.5x12 Monster Black Rims
Tire&Rim2_500.JPG455 hits | 47.32 KB | Posted: 4/7/05Tires and Rims
Tire&Rim3_500.JPG528 hits | 51.92 KB | Posted: 4/7/05Closeup of Tires and Rims
front1.jpg485 hits | 41.93 KB | Posted: 4/7/05Putting the Gears and Lockers in
side1.jpg567 hits | 41.35 KB | Posted: 4/7/05Side shot
tire1.jpg529 hits | 32.8 KB | Posted: 4/7/05Tire and Rim Mounted