DSCN7839.JPG293 hits | 58.89 KB | Posted: 3/4/06bw 1356 Shifter and "guide plate"
DSCN7841.JPG270 hits | 64.71 KB | Posted: 3/4/06bw 1356 xfercase, new front driveshaft, shifter, boot, linkage
DSCN7830.JPG282 hits | 54.14 KB | Posted: 3/4/061990 bw 1356 manual xfercase
DSCN7840.JPG270 hits | 65.36 KB | Posted: 3/4/06bw 1356 shifter, transmission adapter, and adapter guide plate thing
DSCN7845.JPG277 hits | 53.27 KB | Posted: 3/4/06top bw 1356 shifter bottom np 208 shifter?
Picture 012.jpg289 hits | 55.26 KB | Posted: 3/5/06two transmission mounting plates, both came with shifters. both are for e4od dont know why they are ...
Picture 012.jpg294 hits | 46.29 KB | Posted: 3/5/06