2001bandit.jpg1125 hits | 46.61 KB | Posted: 5/5/05A bike like mine that I found on the web.
DSCF0503.JPG1035 hits | 70.21 KB | Posted: 5/15/05My bike after a wash and wax.
DSCF0504.JPG976 hits | 67.92 KB | Posted: 5/15/05
DSCF0505.JPG737 hits | 84.85 KB | Posted: 5/15/05
DSCF0506.JPG926 hits | 72.7 KB | Posted: 5/15/05
DSCF0507.JPG912 hits | 67.61 KB | Posted: 5/15/05
DSCF0508.JPG899 hits | 71.97 KB | Posted: 5/15/05