truck.jpg1206 hits | | Posted: 6/29/03first got the truck in june 2000
trcuk05.jpg1200 hits | | Posted: 6/29/03prety much like it looks now.
1024truck.jpg1356 hits | | Posted: 6/29/03up wheelin at tibble fork
JR.jpg1407 hits | 30.46 KB | Posted: 6/29/03me and my truck at top of tibble fork canyon
JR1.jpg1228 hits | 29.33 KB | Posted: 6/29/03the truck with dave and jason in there ranger/b2
JR2.jpg1285 hits | 39.76 KB | Posted: 6/29/03
JR3.jpg1347 hits | 40.85 KB | Posted: 6/29/03daves and mine after coming back from the b
JR4.jpg1381 hits | 34.43 KB | Posted: 6/29/03