IMG_0653.jpg 929 hits | 59.91 KB | Posted: 3/5/07 The trip starts out with me having to replace my passenger side bearings. Thanx goes out to all that...
IMG_0689.jpg 525 hits | 85.92 KB | Posted: 3/6/07 Wo chick driver! Please don't hit my truck! I really think that old FJ was just looking for some new...
IMG_0690.jpg 547 hits | 100.51 KB | Posted: 3/6/07 Typical, making a short cut...
IMG_0693.jpg 540 hits | 105.77 KB | Posted: 3/6/07 Mud Slut at the Mud pit.
03-04-07_1058.jpg 917 hits | 54.1 KB | Posted: 3/7/07 I thought I just blew a bead or may be got mud inside, in the next 48 hrs I would learn I ripped the...
03-04-07_1151.jpg 850 hits | 45.65 KB | Posted: 3/7/07 Just could not break this off the rim!