Before lift.jpg587 hits | 64.35 KB | Posted: 4/13/09
Building the new leafs, notice the add-a-lea.jpg486 hits | 69.29 KB | Posted: 4/13/09
Front end about 6ft.jpg443 hits | 55.58 KB | Posted: 4/13/09
Installing newly painted leafs.jpg566 hits | 39.18 KB | Posted: 4/13/09
It's here.jpg483 hits | 40.71 KB | Posted: 4/13/09
Lets start by removing the wheels.jpg467 hits | 39.37 KB | Posted: 4/13/09
Mmmm... RS9000X, can you say remote control.jpg579 hits | 77.26 KB | Posted: 4/13/09
Next come the leafs....jpg519 hits | 54.95 KB | Posted: 4/13/09
Once I start a project I can't stop.jpg560 hits | 82.25 KB | Posted: 4/13/09
The old alignment clamps were rivited in.jpg512 hits | 48.04 KB | Posted: 4/13/09