Sidwithstroller.jpg957 hits | 44.13 KB | Posted: 4/6/06
Sidney n Lion Chair.jpg897 hits | 39.81 KB | Posted: 4/6/06
blkdogteeshirtjudi.jpg1247 hits | 43.18 KB | Posted: 3/27/06
a seascape.jpg961 hits | 53.98 KB | Posted: 3/20/06Typical ocean beach sight.
Elktwo.jpg861 hits | 92.39 KB | Posted: 3/20/06Good hunting? What do you think?
a cooltripseven.jpg1006 hits | 81.36 KB | Posted: 3/20/06West side of Cascade Mtn Range
Funnyrocks.jpg927 hits | 66.69 KB | Posted: 3/20/06East side of Cascade Mtn Range and the famous "Funny Rocks" wheelin area.
a mtn rockscape.jpg963 hits | 81.83 KB | Posted: 3/20/06West side of Cascade Mtn Range
aaa17.jpg864 hits | 42.25 KB | Posted: 3/20/06Olympic Mtn Range
Bike&Buffalo.jpg1302 hits | 64.02 KB | Posted: 7/1/05
Oregoncoastsunset.jpg1261 hits | 41.19 KB | Posted: 7/1/05
Bike&Contdivide.jpg1086 hits | 77.11 KB | Posted: 7/1/05