broken 1.jpg576 hits | 75.23 KB | Posted: 11/2/07Traction bar - 1/38 x .188 wall DOM oops
broken 2.jpg475 hits | 59.45 KB | Posted: 11/2/07more of the bent and broken
axle ends 2.jpg559 hits | 44.75 KB | Posted: 11/14/07
axle ends.jpg582 hits | 45.88 KB | Posted: 11/14/07
yolk.jpg522 hits | 85.94 KB | Posted: 11/14/07
joint.jpg573 hits | 89.11 KB | Posted: 11/14/07
yolk.jpg544 hits | 85.94 KB | Posted: 11/14/07
tbar fix 1.jpg523 hits | 89.97 KB | Posted: 11/16/07
tbar fix 2.jpg453 hits | 102.17 KB | Posted: 11/16/07
tbar fix 3.jpg567 hits | 87.18 KB | Posted: 11/16/07