Temp 148.jpg345 hits | 59.44 KB | Posted: 7/16/05Here's what I started with...
Temp 149.jpg321 hits | 62.47 KB | Posted: 7/16/05again...
Temp 150.jpg327 hits | 58.35 KB | Posted: 7/16/05again...
Temp 151.jpg358 hits | 57.49 KB | Posted: 7/16/05last one!
DSCN0434.JPG356 hits | 69.68 KB | Posted: 7/16/05As of 07/16/2005
DSCN0433.JPG316 hits | 56.35 KB | Posted: 7/16/05Getting ready for the 78 F-150 cab and really short flat bed!
Modified Cab.JPG323 hits | 61.4 KB | Posted: 7/17/05