IMG_0007.JPG 888 hits | 58.24 KB | Posted: 2/25/08 Fuel pump had been cutting out.
IMG_0013.JPG 959 hits | 67.37 KB | Posted: 2/25/08 Almost like I'd been getting a bad connection
IMG_0018.JPG 831 hits | 66.1 KB | Posted: 2/25/08 It would work and then it would die, almost like a bad ground
IMG_0001.JPG 834 hits | 59.86 KB | Posted: 2/25/08 Just a bit of corrosion on the pins
FPC100.gif 932 hits | 10.91 KB | Posted: 2/26/08 Ah ha ! Found this replacement harness plug at NAPA. Part # FPC-100 runs around $6.00. Looks like th...
IMG_0016.JPG 790 hits | 75.06 KB | Posted: 2/27/08 Here's the two corroded terminals, busted loose out of the crumbling original connector, soaking in ...
IMG_0024.JPG 893 hits | 54.62 KB | Posted: 2/27/08 One of the terminals plugged into the new connector. Note the rubber barbs that keep it weather proo...
IMG_0005.JPG 827 hits | 29.94 KB | Posted: 2/27/08 The rubber barbs, on the stock wires, seal into each of these holes on the new connector
IMG_0006.JPG 806 hits | 32.2 KB | Posted: 2/27/08 The metal tangs slip into the little recesses to the left of each socket hole with a satisfying posi...
IMG_0047.JPG 776 hits | 22.45 KB | Posted: 2/27/08 That's the best shot I could get of the little "tangs" on the terminal clips. You get four terminal ...
IMG_0021.JPG 801 hits | 74.79 KB | Posted: 2/27/08 My stock connector(which looks identical BTW) was so brittle I just broke my original terminals free...
IMG_0034.JPG 876 hits | 60.68 KB | Posted: 2/27/08 Pin terminals cleaned of corrosion and lubed up with dielectric grease.
IMG_0037.JPG 871 hits | 66.44 KB | Posted: 2/27/08 New connector click satisfyingly into place and that muther fired right up ! The $6.00 fix !!!!!!!!!...