1998 Ford Crown Victoria
Owner: keith2112p71 
From: palmdale, CA, U.S.A.        (Other registries in CA)
Year, Make, & Model: 1998 Ford Crown Victoria        (Other Ford Crown Victorias)
Clubs: Crownvic.net Readers Rides        (Other vehicles in this club)
Nickname: The Great White
Mileage: 35495
Engine: 4.6 with a superchip,wigwag lights,dash and deck strobes,garmin gps,more to come
Drivetrain: stock what came with the P71 interceper package
Notes: i bought this 1998 crown vic P71 from a police officer he got at a aution it was a F.B.I. agent's car but was never used on patrol clean title no wreck's damage its in mint condition still has that new car smell when i bought it it hade 27900 miles very rare to find one in this kind of condition i hade to have it now its still only got 35400 miles on it and i love this car.
Last Updated: 7/27/2005
Hits: 3376
Folder Hits Comments Created Updated
folder 1998 crown vic P71 intercepter7007,92607/26/057/26/05
Newest Media Files
keith's 1998 crown vic P71 police intercepter .jpg
1753 hits | 63 KB | Posted: 7/26/05

procopper console with the GARMIN G.P.S. and more to come
keith's 1998 crown vic P71 police intercepter .jpg
1634 hits | 50.9 KB | Posted: 7/26/05

my antenna farm
keith's 1998 crown vic P71 police intercepter .jpg
1242 hits | 68.63 KB | Posted: 7/26/05

right side
keith's 1998 crown vic P71 police intercepter .jpg
839 hits | 63.15 KB | Posted: 7/26/05

yes i work as a fugative recovery agent and go a little security on the side
keith's 1998 crown vic P71 police intercepter .jpg
695 hits | 53.17 KB | Posted: 7/26/05

and it will do what it says and then some
keith's 1998 crown vic P71 police intercepter .jpg
1133 hits | 51.61 KB | Posted: 7/26/05

if you have a real police car package then you got to have the intercepter logo
keith's 1998 crown vic P71 police intercepter .jpg
630 hits | 65.12 KB | Posted: 7/26/05

Most Viewed Files
keith's 1998 crown vic P71 police intercepter .jpg
1753 hits | 63 KB | Posted: 7/26/05

procopper console with the GARMIN G.P.S. and more to come
keith's 1998 crown vic P71 police intercepter .jpg
1634 hits | 50.9 KB | Posted: 7/26/05

my antenna farm
keith's 1998 crown vic P71 police intercepter .jpg
1242 hits | 68.63 KB | Posted: 7/26/05

right side
keith's 1998 crown vic P71 police intercepter .jpg
1133 hits | 51.61 KB | Posted: 7/26/05

if you have a real police car package then you got to have the intercepter logo
keith's 1998 crown vic P71 police intercepter .jpg
839 hits | 63.15 KB | Posted: 7/26/05

yes i work as a fugative recovery agent and go a little security on the side
keith's 1998 crown vic P71 police intercepter .jpg
695 hits | 53.17 KB | Posted: 7/26/05

and it will do what it says and then some
keith's 1998 crown vic P71 police intercepter .jpg
630 hits | 65.12 KB | Posted: 7/26/05

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