DSCN1099.JPG 918 hits | 101.1 KB | Posted: 11/4/05 everything back together with all grade 8 hardware with no shortcuts it looks great
and my friend was right it rides great on and off road
DSCN1096.JPG 957 hits | 85.57 KB | Posted: 11/4/05 i was very careful with my overspray and placed grade 8 washers while the RTV was still setting to give it a clean look, taped off teh bushings and add a few more coats of paint, the end result looks great
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DSCN1065.JPG 1178 hits | 99.96 KB | Posted: 9/14/05 Pic of the pass side
DSCN1066.JPG 1100 hits | 96.09 KB | Posted: 9/14/05 Front
DSCN1096.JPG 957 hits | 85.57 KB | Posted: 11/4/05 i was very careful with my overspray and placed grade 8 washers while the RTV was still setting to give it a clean look, taped off teh bushings and add a few more coats of paint, the end result looks great