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45manifoli.jpg | Hits: 1664 | Posted on: 3/9/14 | View Low-Res

To get to this point, I removed:
1) the wheelwell, the fan & shroud, and the belt
2) the alternator & smog pump, 2ndry air pipe along the intake, and the 2ndry air valve from the intake to the alt. bracket
3) the 9/16" top nut, 11/16" bottom nut, three 1/2" bolts, and the alt/smog bracket
4) the four 5/8" Y-pipe flange nuts, and the 1-1/16" EGR tube inverted flare nut
5) I should have also pulled the 2 intake heat shield clips and the shield, but I didn't realize how easy that would be, and how much easier it would make the next few steps
6) the 13/16" front lifting eye stud (careful - it's prone to shear off), the other 9/16" lifting eye bolt, most of the lower manifold bolts, and the 4 upper bolts that pass through The other upper bolts that only clamp down on it were merely backed off, but left in-place. Bolts that only clamp the intake were not loosened.
7) after some prying, cursing, & bleeding, the came out.

Avoid bending the EGR tube, or collapsing the hex of its flare nut. Either will make reattaching it a challenge.