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sleeves02.jpg The mounts on the '93EB have been fighting me (and winning) for the past 3 months.  I've only separated 2, and the nut ripped off another.  I assume it's because the body is off them, so the rubber is unloaded, and is absorbing too much of the impacts.  So I'm building this tool to support the top sleeves while I drive the lowers out.
sleeves02.jpg | Hits: 988 | Posted on: 1/14/15 | View original size (3.91 MB)

The mounts on the '93EB have been fighting me (and winning) for the past 3 months. I've only separated 2, and the nut ripped off another. I assume it's because the body is off them, so the rubber is unloaded, and is absorbing too much of the impacts. So I'm building this tool to support the top sleeves while I drive the lowers out.