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7.jpg pulled the heads and timing cover. the GT40P heads that came with the engine are good heads but the valvesprings are known issues. also the heads could use a good refreshening with valvejob and being milled for a compression bump. 

the timing chain was pretty worn as i already knew before i even swapped the engine (i replaced the main and rod bearings when i got the engine and was able to do it without taking the chain off because the wear). also decided im going to swap the cam to a TFS Stage 1 cam. im this far, so why not?
7.jpg | Hits: 131 | Posted on: 10/10/15 | View original size (130.04 KB)

pulled the heads and timing cover. the GT40P heads that came with the engine are good heads but the valvesprings are known issues. also the heads could use a good refreshening with valvejob and being milled for a compression bump.

the timing chain was pretty worn as i already knew before i even swapped the engine (i replaced the main and rod bearings when i got the engine and was able to do it without taking the chain off because the wear). also decided im going to swap the cam to a TFS Stage 1 cam. im this far, so why not?