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strgwheel1.jpg | Hits: 3129 | Posted on: 1/17/16 | View Low-Res

Because the foam cover was slipping on the steel rim; and because the clock spring is broken and no longer available; and because the '94 cruise buttons aren't illuminated; and because I want steering wheel controls for my Kenwood radio; and because I did the same swap to my '83 Bronco; and because I'm planning the same swap for my '93 Bronco... I'm installing a '99~02 Navigator steering wheel in my '94 CV.

All modern Ford/L/M steering columns are virtually identical, but there were several changes to the steering wheel indexing. The '99 wheel has regularly-spaced splines; the '94 has 2 flats; the '93 Bronco has 1 missing spline; and there could be other variations. So I had to file the inside of this wheel's hub to make it fit onto this steering shaft. I could have changed the whole column, but that's MUCH more expensive to buy at the junkyard. So I spent a few minutes with common hand files until this wheel fit down onto the steering shaft like the '94 did, and I made sure it was indexed the same. Once the bolt was tightened, it felt more-solid than the original wheel had.