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kimg0070.jpg take off the 4 bolts holding the brake backing plate off. disconnect the brake line. the backing plat should come off pretty easy

be prepared to have a way to stop the brake fluid once the line is disconnected. i used a plastic bag and a ziptie to slow it down best i could.

you can remove the e-brake cable whenever you feel.
kimg0070.jpg | Hits: 52 | Posted on: 10/1/17 | View original size (2.25 MB)

take off the 4 bolts holding the brake backing plate off. disconnect the brake line. the backing plat should come off pretty easy

be prepared to have a way to stop the brake fluid once the line is disconnected. i used a plastic bag and a ziptie to slow it down best i could.

you can remove the e-brake cable whenever you feel.