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20190316_201204.jpg Complete first coat to the housing. Did not do the cover as I will replace that. The dried coat is actually a nice satin finish. I would another two coats on it though. According to Por15 I will need to either wet sand with 320 or use their primer. I am not moving this heavy sob outside again just to wet sand and I do not carry their primer through work so I am just going to try to apply another coat over it. Probably will not work but we will see. To properly apply the second coat directions say to wait between 4 and 6 hours. Who has time for that?
20190316_201204.jpg | Hits: 74 | Posted on: 3/18/19 | View original size (3.77 MB)

Complete first coat to the housing. Did not do the cover as I will replace that. The dried coat is actually a nice satin finish. I would another two coats on it though. According to Por15 I will need to either wet sand with 320 or use their primer. I am not moving this heavy sob outside again just to wet sand and I do not carry their primer through work so I am just going to try to apply another coat over it. Probably will not work but we will see. To properly apply the second coat directions say to wait between 4 and 6 hours. Who has time for that?