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shknob1.jpg This cheapo [url=]shifter knob[/url] almost matches the exterior color, and cost a lot less than an OE knob would have, if I could have found one.  It installed without any of the rubber sleeves supplied with it - just the 3 setscrews hold it on the shifter.  I think when its pleather disintegrates I'll be able to replace that with something gray to match the interior.
shknob1.jpg | Hits: 502 | Posted on: 4/5/19 | View original size (3.05 MB)

This cheapo shifter knob almost matches the exterior color, and cost a lot less than an OE knob would have, if I could have found one. It installed without any of the rubber sleeves supplied with it - just the 3 setscrews hold it on the shifter. I think when its pleather disintegrates I'll be able to replace that with something gray to match the interior.