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1974 Ford Bronco Suspension picture | SuperMotors.net

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20190607_182126.jpg These might have been factory 1974 bushings, judging by their condition.

It's critical to pay attention to the instructions molded into the C-bushings so they're installed properly.  Installing them wrong induces "Bronco lean", and all this work has to be re-done to rearrange the bushings correctly.
20190607_182126.jpg | Hits: 126 | Posted on: 6/19/19 | View original size (7.51 MB)

These might have been factory 1974 bushings, judging by their condition.

It's critical to pay attention to the instructions molded into the C-bushings so they're installed properly. Installing them wrong induces "Bronco lean", and all this work has to be re-done to rearrange the bushings correctly.