20200421_190126.jpg | Hits: 768 | Posted on: 4/23/20
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It put up a good fight, but eventually, I got it running smoothly. The ECT was bad, causing a rich mixture. And I forgot to plug in the TPS for a while, so the EEC went into FMEM & kept the IAC wide-open causing a high idle. And the EVP circuit is open inside the EEC, so while I'm changing its 3 electrolytic capacitors, I'll look for the break in that trace. I hope that will also reduce the cranking time - right now, it's close to 5 seconds before the engine fires up. IF THE IMAGE IS TOO SMALL, click it.
UPDATE: Turns out there was no break in the EVP trace, despite some mud & corrosion inside the EEC. It was just a loose pin in the connector.
Throttle linkage cover (not shown) E9TA9E766AA