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dscf3216--rear-coupler-push-pin-plug.jpg Scrounging through my bag of plastic push pins, I found one the perfect size to function as a coupler plug, since there's not enough room to fit a dust cap over it.

25.1mm top diameter, 11.2mm barb diameter, 7.1mm shaft diameter, clipped to 13.3mm long (shaft)

I trimmed one row of barbs to allow the ball bearings to clip in easier.  A gasket was added to fill the space left between the top lip and coupler.  Finally, I clipped the tip so it wouldn't depress the air valve when inserted into the coupler.
dscf3216--rear-coupler-push-pin-plug.jpg | Hits: 53 | Posted on: 7/13/21 | View original size (47.3 KB)

Scrounging through my bag of plastic push pins, I found one the perfect size to function as a coupler plug, since there's not enough room to fit a dust cap over it.

25.1mm top diameter, 11.2mm barb diameter, 7.1mm shaft diameter, clipped to 13.3mm long (shaft)

I trimmed one row of barbs to allow the ball bearings to clip in easier. A gasket was added to fill the space left between the top lip and coupler. Finally, I clipped the tip so it wouldn't depress the air valve when inserted into the coupler.