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12-done-sanding.jpg Done sanding these. I ended up buying zircon abrasive belts for the belt sander which worked a lot better than the silicon carbide ones I had before. Got them down to less than 3 thousandths out of flat. That's probably good enough. I'll make my own MLS gaskets out of laser cut stainless shim stock.
12-done-sanding.jpg | Hits: 34 | Posted on: 8/5/24 | View original size (769.87 KB)

Done sanding these. I ended up buying zircon abrasive belts for the belt sander which worked a lot better than the silicon carbide ones I had before. Got them down to less than 3 thousandths out of flat. That's probably good enough. I'll make my own MLS gaskets out of laser cut stainless shim stock.