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engine-bay.jpg | Hits: 10758 | Posted on: 9/5/04 | View Low-Res

The '95 4.9L in the '85 F250 front clip on the '82 body tub on my '83 frame. If you look VERY closely & know your Ford truck parts, you'll spot the '80-85 core support, '83 condenser-to-evaporator line, '87-97 starter relay, Radio Shack loudspeaker, '80-86 reel light, '80-86 wiper motor, '87-93 brake booster/MC, '92-97 power distribution box, '87-95 air filter box & hoses (covered with foil-faced foam tape), and '92-96 coolant/wiper tank.

The reason for the air filter wrapping is explained in the RESULTS pages of Project MPG.