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cb-install-005.jpg Here is a closeup of the mount. Both are made by firestick. Its a spring and tilt base, so if i need to go in a parking garage or what not, it folds down. You can also see how i ran the wire along the spare tire mount. This way makes it so only a couple extra inches are needed when the spare tire is swung out.
cb-install-005.jpg | Hits: 611 | Posted on: 11/26/05 | View original size (104.41 KB)

Here is a closeup of the mount. Both are made by firestick. Its a spring and tilt base, so if i need to go in a parking garage or what not, it folds down. You can also see how i ran the wire along the spare tire mount. This way makes it so only a couple extra inches are needed when the spare tire is swung out.