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dsc00516.jpg Tacked in place and ready to be unbolted for final welding.  Right now it's secured by half the endplate bolts and five tacks on either end.  Took fifteen minutes worth of measuring, checking, adjusting, rechecking, etc. to get it where I was dead certain I wanted it and it was lined up.  Once it's finish welded, it'll be time to make the top plate that covers the back 8" or so of frame, and make the small 1/2" doubler plates for the end plates that will reinforce the shackle attachment points.
dsc00516.jpg | Hits: 1907 | Posted on: 12/12/05 | View original size (151.04 KB)

Tacked in place and ready to be unbolted for final welding. Right now it's secured by half the endplate bolts and five tacks on either end. Took fifteen minutes worth of measuring, checking, adjusting, rechecking, etc. to get it where I was dead certain I wanted it and it was lined up. Once it's finish welded, it'll be time to make the top plate that covers the back 8" or so of frame, and make the small 1/2" doubler plates for the end plates that will reinforce the shackle attachment points.