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img_0178.jpg Saginaw pump off an 87 E-series van. 
I didnt use this yet due to bracket complications- I need something to mount my AC and Vacuum pumps to as well. Im looking into the diesel van PS pump brackets right now trying to work something out. For now I am running the Ford C-II (C2) pump with a bored out pressure port (1/8" to 5/32"). This will marginally increase flow. We'll see how long the Ford pump lasts...
img_0178.jpg | Hits: 488 | Posted on: 4/29/06 | View original size (2.67 MB)

Saginaw pump off an 87 E-series van.
I didnt use this yet due to bracket complications- I need something to mount my AC and Vacuum pumps to as well. Im looking into the diesel van PS pump brackets right now trying to work something out. For now I am running the Ford C-II (C2) pump with a bored out pressure port (1/8" to 5/32"). This will marginally increase flow. We'll see how long the Ford pump lasts...