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Targeted rust removal with Orison's Evapo-Rust
Rust is the nemesis of all classic cars. If left unchecked, it will spread like cancer and destroy precious and often irreplaceable parts. In the past, rust removal involved harsh abrasives or caustic acids which could ruin delicate parts, but Orison Marketing has created a better way with its amazingly effective Evapo-Rust treatment.
Developed to remove rust from military fighting vehicles, Evapo-Rust is simple to use, powerful, and completely non-toxic. It targets and removes only the rust, leaving clean metal and other finishes untouched. The chemical compounds do all of the work, no wire brushing or sand blasting required. These characteristics make it a great solution for repairing rare or irreplaceable parts.
We had this big-block thermostatic choke mechanism that we needed to restore. These things are delicate, precise, and virtually impossible to find. We were dreading trying to remove the rust with conventional methods. Fortunately for us, with Evapo-Rust it was a simple task. All we needed was a plastic tub big enough for our rusty part, and some time to let the stuff work. We left our choke actuator to sit over the weekend, and by Monday morning it was completely de-rusted. The remaining cleaner in the tub was still good so we poured it back into the bottle to reuse. Check out our step-by-step instructions for before and after photos.
39 years of engine heat and moisture had taken their toll on our little choke actuator. Any factory coatings or plating had long ago been replaced by a thick coating of rust.