TSB 93-2-11 Buzz or Rattle through the 4X4 Manual Shift Lever
Publication Date: JANUARY 18, 1993
Applies to: LIGHT TRUCK: 1992 BRONCO, F-150-350 SERIES
ISSUE: A "buzz" or "rattle" may be heard through the 4X4 transfer case shift lever while driving or standing still, when the engine RPM is above 1500 RPM. This can be caused by a powertrain vibration that is transferred to the shift lever.
ACTION: Check the shift lever attaching bolts and handle attaching nut for proper torque to determine if a new 4X4 manual shift lever with improved isolating o-rings is required.
1. Confirm the buzz/rattle and note the condition at which it occurs.
2. Make sure the attaching bolts which secure the 4X4 manual shift lever to the transmission extension housing are properly torqued. Tighten to 85 ft.-lbs., ± 12.7 ft.-lbs. (115 N-m ± 17.3 N-m).
3. Make sure the handle attaching nut is properly torqued. Tighten to 18 ft.-lbs., ± 2.8 ft.-lbs. (25 N-m ± 3.8 N-m).
4. Check to see if the buzz/rattle still exists and note the condition at which it occurs.
5. If it still exists, remove the 4X4 shifter assembly (including the handle) from the vehicle. Refer to the 1992 F-150/350, Bronco Service Manual, Section 07-07B, for removal procedure.
6. With the shifter assembly removed, check to see if the "buzz/rattle" still exists.
* If the same "buzz/rattle" still exists, look for the noise elsewhere and correct the concern.
* If the "buzz/rattle" is no longer present, replace the 4x4 manual shifter assembly with a new assembly which has improved isolating rubber o-rings. Also replace the control rod connecting the shifter to the transfer case. Refer to the Parts Block for proper parts usage. Refer to the 1992 F-150/350, Bronco Service Manual, Section 07-07B, for the installation procedure.
* DO NOT replace the shift handle. Reuse the existing handle.
F2TZ-7210-K 4X4 Shifter Assembly (Mazda R2, ZFLD)
F2TZ-7210-N 4X4 Shifter Assembly (E4OD)
F2TZ-7210-P 4X4 Shifter Assembly (T18, C6, AOD, ZFHD)
F2TZ-7B051-A Control Rod (Mazda R2, ZFLD)
F2TZ-7B051-E Control Rod (E4OD)
F2TZ-7B051-C Control Rod (T18, C6)
F2TZ-7B051-D Control Rod (AOD)
F2TZ-7B051-B Control Rod (ZFHD)
WARRANTY STATUS: Eligible Under Bumper To Bumper Warranty Coverage
930211A Test Drive To Verify Concern, Torque Mechanism-To-Transmission Bolts, Torque Lever-To-Mechanism Nut, Verify Fix 0.9 Hr.
930211B Test Drive To Verify Concern, Torque Mechanism-To-Transmission Bolts, Torque Lever-To-Mechanism Nut, Test Drive, Install New Replacement Or Reinstall Old Lever Assembly 1.7 Hrs.
For other TSBs, check
See also:



SOLD Transfer Case Shifter from '92 E4OD & BW1356
Hardware included; works smoothly; mouse hole chewed in boot not apparent when installed. Ships as 7.5 lbs 11x10x8"