Steering Box Frame Crack
The following areas of the frame should be checked before performing a steering gear frame liner repair: the frame rail near the steering gear top and bottom flanges, and the frame rail at the steering gear bolt heads. If there are cracks in these areas of the frame, the frame must be replaced. Inspect the mounting surface of the steering gear for signs of motion, loose rivets or cracks. Removal of the steering gear may be necessary to check for cracks in the frame liner. If the frame liner is cracked or has loose rivets, repair the liner by using Frame Repair Kit E6TZ-5K130-A. If necessary a steering gear liner to frame, rivet repair can be made by using the procedures described in the illustration.
Rivet Removal and Replacement
1. Drill a 1/8-inch hole through rivet.
2. Redrill the hole through the shank of the rivet with an 11/32-inch drill.
3. Use an air chisel to remove rivet head.
4. Drive out rivet with a punch or other suitable tool.
5. Line drill one 7/16-inch hole marked "V" to 9/16-inch diameter.
6. Install one 9/16-inch bolt in the direction shown in the first illustration.
7. Position bolt head on top (next to crossmember) with hex head flat to the rear to provide best clamping.
8. Install one 9/16-inch washer nut side only and one 9/16-inch nut. Tighten to 190 N-m (140 ft-lb).
NOTE: Tack weld the nut to the bolt as shown in the second illustration.
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