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powersteering6.jpg you will need a pulley removal tool. i had a harbor frieht cheap one and it disapeared so i got a better one from NAPA the $82 is painfull but i use one often so for me it was worth it if you are only going to do this once or a couple times the harbor frieght $10 will do fine.
powersteering6.jpg | Hits: 582 | Posted on: 1/4/08 | View original size (149.52 KB)

you will need a pulley removal tool. i had a harbor frieht cheap one and it disapeared so i got a better one from NAPA the $82 is painfull but i use one often so for me it was worth it if you are only going to do this once or a couple times the harbor frieght $10 will do fine.