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cb_mount.jpg My overhead console is made of 2 pieces of sheet metal.  The first one (visible around the scanner) is screwed to the roof.  The second is covered in 1/8" foam & cheap duck canvas from Wal-Mart, and it hangs on the upper w/s trim & 2 screw heads on the 1st piece.  It took a few hours to mock up in cardboard, then lay out on the metal & cut out with snips, drill a few holes, & bend into shape.  I used 3M spray adhesive to apply the upholstery.

The radar detector mount is bolted through the windshield trim.
cb_mount.jpg | Hits: 8049 | Posted on: 6/30/03 | View original size (193.46 KB)

My overhead console is made of 2 pieces of sheet metal. The first one (visible around the scanner) is screwed to the roof. The second is covered in 1/8" foam & cheap duck canvas from Wal-Mart, and it hangs on the upper w/s trim & 2 screw heads on the 1st piece. It took a few hours to mock up in cardboard, then lay out on the metal & cut out with snips, drill a few holes, & bend into shape. I used 3M spray adhesive to apply the upholstery.

The radar detector mount is bolted through the windshield trim.