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servicedvdinstall30.jpg This album shows the '92-96 legacy Archive DVD, but this procedure applies to the '92-03 CDs as well.  For instructions on using the '96-08 DVDs, see this album:

The data is stored in a proprietary format (*.ARC) which can't be opened except through the INCLUDED GUI, and from there, it's easy to print/copy/save.  Place the disk in the drive that you plan to use every time - the GUI will only look for it in the same drive letter that it was installed from.  Alternatively, the disk's [url=]entire contents[/url] (also available [url=]here[/url]) can be copied to the root directory of a drive letter on the computer, or mounted to a virtual drive using DaemonTools.  Another option is to copy it to a USB flash drive.  There can be other folders on that drive letter, but only one service disk, and it MUST be in the root.  From the disk's root directory, run Setup.EXE .

Here are the 20 Ford/L/M (North America) CDs I have:
2002 & '03 Cars
2002 Trucks & Vans
2001 Cars v08
2000 & '01 Trucks & Vans v12
2000 F-650 & 750 v01 (included on '00-01 T&V)
2000 Cars v12
1999 Trucks & Vans v13
1999 Cars v12
1998 Trucks & Vans v11
1998 Cars v14
1997 Trucks & Vans v15
1997 Cars v15
1996 Trucks & Vans v17
1996 Cars v18
1995 Trucks & Vans v11
1995 Cars v11
1993 & '94 Trucks & Vans v11
1993 & '94 Cars v10
1992 Cars, Trucks, & Vans v5.0
I also have the '89-00 TSB CD v02, but installing it on the same computer as the service discs causes problems.  I don't know why.

These DVDs contain ALL the same info as on the 19 CDs above, except '03 Cars:
'92-96 Archive (June 01) no TSBs or FSAs 
'96-02 Archive v5.0 (April 06) no TSBs or FSAs

Getting these disks to run under Win7 or later requires some extra steps, and someone else is working on compiling those instructions.  I don't know about Linux or other OSs.

It's still worth having a Haynes:


servicedvdinstall30.jpg | Hits: 3148 | Posted on: 10/15/08 | View original size (68.98 KB)

This album shows the '92-96 legacy Archive DVD, but this procedure applies to the '92-03 CDs as well. For instructions on using the '96-08 DVDs, see this album:

The data is stored in a proprietary format (*.ARC) which can't be opened except through the INCLUDED GUI, and from there, it's easy to print/copy/save. Place the disk in the drive that you plan to use every time - the GUI will only look for it in the same drive letter that it was installed from. Alternatively, the disk's entire contents (also available here) can be copied to the root directory of a drive letter on the computer, or mounted to a virtual drive using DaemonTools. Another option is to copy it to a USB flash drive. There can be other folders on that drive letter, but only one service disk, and it MUST be in the root. From the disk's root directory, run Setup.EXE .

Here are the 20 Ford/L/M (North America) CDs I have:
2002 & '03 Cars
2002 Trucks & Vans
2001 Cars v08
2000 & '01 Trucks & Vans v12
2000 F-650 & 750 v01 (included on '00-01 T&V)
2000 Cars v12
1999 Trucks & Vans v13
1999 Cars v12
1998 Trucks & Vans v11
1998 Cars v14
1997 Trucks & Vans v15
1997 Cars v15
1996 Trucks & Vans v17
1996 Cars v18
1995 Trucks & Vans v11
1995 Cars v11
1993 & '94 Trucks & Vans v11
1993 & '94 Cars v10
1992 Cars, Trucks, & Vans v5.0
I also have the '89-00 TSB CD v02, but installing it on the same computer as the service discs causes problems. I don't know why.

These DVDs contain ALL the same info as on the 19 CDs above, except '03 Cars:
'92-96 Archive (June 01) no TSBs or FSAs
'96-02 Archive v5.0 (April 06) no TSBs or FSAs

Getting these disks to run under Win7 or later requires some extra steps, and someone else is working on compiling those instructions. I don't know about Linux or other OSs.

It's still worth having a Haynes: