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after_pass.jpg Taken from the same position as the before picture.  Totally finished.

Now, just a side note, it seems to me that as these springs "set" to my Bronco, instead of getting lower as the springs break in, they actually seem to be raising more, I will take more pics and measurements this coming weekend.  As it sits (as of completed day) I went from 34" to 36" from the ground to my fender.
after_pass.jpg | Hits: 1178 | Posted on: 6/30/03 | View original size (509.87 KB)

Taken from the same position as the before picture. Totally finished.

Now, just a side note, it seems to me that as these springs "set" to my Bronco, instead of getting lower as the springs break in, they actually seem to be raising more, I will take more pics and measurements this coming weekend. As it sits (as of completed day) I went from 34" to 36" from the ground to my fender.