This is while I was running up miles on a '96 PSOM using a computer-generated (GoldWave) tone coming thru the stereo to the
ABS sensor (DY1123, F85Z-9E731-AB) inputs. IIRC, it was a 2kHz square wave.
See also:


After downloading & installing GoldWave (free at that time), I set it up to produce the frequency & waveform I guessed would match the ABS sensor at a fairly high speed. Then I connected the computer's sound output to a stereo input, and turned the volume ALL the way DOWN before connecting the PSOM ABS input wires to one speaker output on the stereo (NO other speakers connected). With the wave coming through, I slowly increased the volume until the PSOM needle jumped up & the odo started counting. I let it run for a few days until the mileage was what I wanted.
New odo display ~$90