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rnfrc10.jpg When I built this t/g, I painted the inside white for exactly this reason: so I could see what I was doing when working on it later (now).  I've also removed the window track from this side for access.

Even though both reinforcements are cracked (note the rust lines top & bottom), I think it'll take a LONG time for it to fail again.
rnfrc10.jpg | Hits: 1974 | Posted on: 10/19/09 | View original size (233.02 KB)

When I built this t/g, I painted the inside white for exactly this reason: so I could see what I was doing when working on it later (now). I've also removed the window track from this side for access.

Even though both reinforcements are cracked (note the rust lines top & bottom), I think it'll take a LONG time for it to fail again.