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rnfrc15.jpg The 3 rivet heads are directly under this end seal, but they're flat enough not to interfere with it.

The fine lines along the outboard edge are from the pliers I used to crimp the lip tight before installing the black rivet.  I'll touch them up after I seal the torn edge. Rubber-faced bar clamps (like [url=]Irwin QuickGrips[/url]) wouldn't have made any marks, and might have held the skins tighter.
rnfrc15.jpg | Hits: 1977 | Posted on: 10/19/09 | View original size (832.97 KB)

The 3 rivet heads are directly under this end seal, but they're flat enough not to interfere with it.

The fine lines along the outboard edge are from the pliers I used to crimp the lip tight before installing the black rivet. I'll touch them up after I seal the torn edge. Rubber-faced bar clamps (like Irwin QuickGrips) wouldn't have made any marks, and might have held the skins tighter.