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mvc412s.jpg That old 6-cylinder was still running pretty at the end, the tranny, too!  It wouldn't have taken much work to get her into another derby, but the process of getting a car ready proved very therapeutic for me.  I'd rather start fresh.  I've wanted to do this since I was 6, and loved every minute.  Big ole shiat eatin' grin on my face the whole time.  Consider me hooked.
mvc412s.jpg | Hits: 1568 | Posted on: 7/31/03 | View original size (37.37 KB)

That old 6-cylinder was still running pretty at the end, the tranny, too! It wouldn't have taken much work to get her into another derby, but the process of getting a car ready proved very therapeutic for me. I'd rather start fresh. I've wanted to do this since I was 6, and loved every minute. Big ole shiat eatin' grin on my face the whole time. Consider me hooked.