4.9L (300ci) I6 Exploded
UPPER sizes:
8's bolts are 8mm (5/16") drive
9's nuts are 27mm
11's bolts are 9/16" drive
14 & 23 are 11mm (7/16") drive
24 & 25's nuts are 11mm (7/16")
46 & 49's bolts are 11mm (7/16") drive
50 & 52's bolts are 1/2" drive
61 is
StandardAX374 is 1/2" drive
Smallblock distributors use Hold-Down Clamp
Motorcraft DZ41042 Oil Filter
Motorcraft FL-1A16 Oil Filler Cap
Motorcraft EC74317 PCV Breather Elbow
Motorcraft FA111856 ECT
Ford 9U2Z12A648A; revised sensor
MC DY114563 & 73
Standard AT155LOWER sizes:
29 is 13mm drive after '87; 1/2" drive before
14 for auto trans stamped F4TE-6A372-AA
See also:


Oil internal engine threads with engine oil, unless the threads require oil or water-resistant sealer.
Engine Block Casting Number DecoderOil internal engine threads with engine oil, unless the threads require oil or water-resistant sealer.
. . Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N-m . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ft-Lbs
Connecting Rod Nut 55-61 40-45
Cylinder Front Cover 17-24 12-18
Cylinder Head Bolts (Follow bolt tightening sequence during each step) Progressively increase tightness using this sequence:
1st step: tighten all bolts to 67-75 N-m (50-55 ft-lb)
2nd step: tighten all bolts to 82-88 N-m (60-65 ft-lb)
3rd step: tighten all bolts to 94-115 N-m (70-85 ft-lb)
Damper to Crankshaft 177-203 130-150
EGR Valve to Intake Manifold 18-26 13-19
Flywheel to Crankshaft 102-115 75-85
Main Bearing Cap Bolts 82-94 60-70
Manifold to Cylinder Head Intake & Exhaust (Follow bolt tightening sequence) 30-43 22-32
Exhaust Manifold-to-Muffler Inlet Pipe 34-49 25-36
Oil Filter Insert to Cylinder Block 20-48 15-35
Oil Filter to Cylinder Block 1/2 turn after oiled gasket contacts sealing surface
Oil Inlet Tube to Pump 14-20 10-15
Oil Pan Drain Plug 21-33 15-25
Oil Pan to Cylinder Block (Follow bolt tightening sequence) 20-24 15-18
Oil Pump to Cylinder Block 14-20 10-15
Oil Inlet Tube to Main Bearing Cap 30-43 22-32
Pulley to Damper Bolt 48-67 35-50
Rocker Arm Bolt 24-31 17-23
Spark Plug to Cylinder Head 14-20 10-15
Valve Rocker Arm Cover (Follow bolt tightening sequence) 8-14 70-120 (In-Lbs)
Valve Push Rod Cover to Cylinder Block 2-3 18-27 (In-Lbs)
Water Outlet Housing 17-24 12-18
Water Pump to Block/Front Cover 17-24 12-18
Thermactor Pump Pulley to Pump Hub 12-15 110-130 (In-Lbs)
Throttle Body Attaching Nuts 19-27 14-20
Camshaft Thrust Plate to Cylinder Block 16-24 12-18
Distributor Clampdown 24-33 17-25
Intake Manifold Vacuum Fittings 8-13 6-10
Timing Pointer to Front Cover 17-24 12-18
Thermactor Air Manifold to Cylinder Head (Nut and Ferrule Assy.) 19-22 14-16
Thermactor Air Check Valve to Thermactor Air Manifold 22-26 16-19
Pressure Plate and Cover Assy. to Flywheel 27-39 20-29
Alternator/Thermactor Pump Bracket to Engine (all except bottom bolt) 40-55 30-40
Alternator/Thermactor Pump Bracket to Engine (bottom bolt) 53-71 39-53
Alternator Pivot Bolt 53-72 39-53
Thermactor Pump Pivot Bolt 40-55 30-41
Alternator Adjusting Bolt 40-55 30-41
Thermactor Pump Attaching Bolt 40-55 30-40
Air Conditioning Compressor to Mounting Bracket Bolts 24-31 18-23
Power Steering Pump to Mounting Bracket Bolts 40-55 30-40
Power Steering Pump/Air Conditioning Compressor Bracket to Cylinder Head Bolts 40-55 30-40
Power Steering Pump/Air Conditioning Compressor Bracket to Block Bolts and Nuts 55-70 40-50
Fan Blade to Fan Clutch Bolts 16-24 12-18
Fan Clutch to Water Pump 41-135 30-100
Oil Pressure Sender (Left Side Rear of Cylinder Block) 11-24 8-18
Engine Coolant Temperature Sender (Right Side Rear of Cylinder Block) 11-24 8-18