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lower-caliper-bracket-to-ranchero-spindle.jpg This shows the lower spindles bracket mounting hole and the welded spacer 1/4" additional to 3/8" bracket both were tapped for 1/2"-13 lower bolt. The caliper bracket to spindle bracket bolt can be removed without removing the spindle bracket, it just misses the Ranchero spindle. The bolts used to hold the caliper bracket(black bracket) to spindle are the Ranchero's original bracket bolts. The caliper to spindle bracket(red bracket) bolts, 18mm, are from a donor Crown Vic.
lower-caliper-bracket-to-ranchero-spindle.jpg | Hits: 1255 | Posted on: 8/20/10 | View original size (1.59 MB)

This shows the lower spindles bracket mounting hole and the welded spacer 1/4" additional to 3/8" bracket both were tapped for 1/2"-13 lower bolt. The caliper bracket to spindle bracket bolt can be removed without removing the spindle bracket, it just misses the Ranchero spindle. The bolts used to hold the caliper bracket(black bracket) to spindle are the Ranchero's original bracket bolts. The caliper to spindle bracket(red bracket) bolts, 18mm, are from a donor Crown Vic.