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upper-and-lower-mounts-014.jpg .188  U welded to a cut down piece of .188 angle, which in turn is welded all around onto the side of the ford shock tower, which is actually .25 steel.  I also switched out the 2 bolts to the frame for some new grade 8, 1/2" with nice big/thick washers.
upper-and-lower-mounts-014.jpg | Hits: 1164 | Posted on: 12/15/10 | View original size (128.05 KB)

.188 U welded to a cut down piece of .188 angle, which in turn is welded all around onto the side of the ford shock tower, which is actually .25 steel. I also switched out the 2 bolts to the frame for some new grade 8, 1/2" with nice big/thick washers.